NB - Please note that AusSRC will only be available for downloading the dataset, hence the limited details below

User access

The SDC3 data set will be available for download at AusSRC.

Request Access

Accounts can be created my emailing support@aussrc.org with the following details:

  • Full name

  • Affiliate Institution

  • Team name

Downloading Dataset

Data can be downloaded in the following manner:

rsync -avzh --append <username>@datamover.aussrc.org:/mnt/shared/sdc3/<SDC3_dataset> ./

Data can also be downloaded using bbcp. Instructions on how to use bbcp can be found here: https://www.slac.stanford.edu/~abh/bbcp/

Data use must adhere to the SDC3 data policy and guidelines.


Any problems accessing the data email support@aussrc.org